I am a psychotherapist with over 30 years' professional experience in Brussels and London. I have a Master's degree in Addiction Psychology and trained at universities and specialist centres in the UK, Ireland, the USA and Germany, among others. During my career, I have also developed teaching skills in areas such as group work, ethics and developmental trauma. This has enabled me to organise and run workshops all over Europe.
Since 2014, I have been training in the NARM method and helping to promote and teach it in Europe (Poland, Romania, Belgium, France and Germany). For several years, I have been a senior NARM assistant, offering group supervision, demonstrations and introductory sessions in Poland, Romania and France. At the same time, I organise development workshops (on-site and online) for therapy professionals on topics related to the NARM approach. These workshops are held in English, French or other languages with translation.
Barbara Pawson-Van Pevenage, MSc (FR/ENG)
Tel: (+44) 07841650662